'Rico'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2011.09.21 Tom Hardy talks about Michael Fassbender

Tom Hardy: And as for Michael Fassbender, he was two years above me at drama centre, so we all grew up looking up to him, well my year anyway. He was the best actor of their year - one of them actually, there were two or three actors, but he was the shining star of that year. So Michael’s sort of territory, I come from the same school as him, but obviously he’s a bit better than I am.

He attended the prestigious Drama Centre London, where he looked up to fellow student Michael Fassbender, who was two years older than he was.

“He was a really serious method actor and we used to watch him and think, ‘F--k, man! He’s the s--t!’” said Hardy. “He was in an Irish play about this guy who came back from the First World War who was a great athlete but ended up in a wheelchair, but at lunchtime he wouldn’t come out of character and was always in his wheelchair and we’d be like, ‘Dude! Just order your lunch and come along! We’ve got an hour before we have to go back to class!’” Hardy laughs and adds, “But he was the best actor in the school.”

Both Hardy and Fassbender got their start in the World War II miniseries Band of Brothers.
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